LUBENZ VISTA AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID D VI is formulated with premium synthetic base stocks and
advanced additive technology, and meets all the stringent requirements of General Motors’ DEXRON®-VI
specification, which is designed for the modern automatic transmissions in GM vehicles. LUBENZ VISTA
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID D VIcan be used in new and old GM automat- ic transmissions & it is
fully back-serviceable and can be used wherever DEXRON®-II and/or DEXRON®-III are recommended.

Features & Benefits
• Optimized frictional properties that provide
smooth gear shifting during low temperature
operation and help prevent transmission vibration
• Extends transmission fluid life and prevents
fluid breakdown at higher operating temperatures
• Improved oxidation and thermal stability
• Reduces sludge and varnish build-up
• Outstanding low temperature performance
• Maintains lubricity
• Thoroughly field tested
• Low viscosity formulation provides fuel economy
benefits compared with fluids
formulated to meet DEXRON®IIIH or
earlier specifications.
• Improved anti-wear protection which contributes
to extended transmission life
• Protects transmission gears and allows them to
operate smoothly
LUBENZ VISTA AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID D VI is high quality ATF suitable for use in automatic
transmissions with torque convertors of passenger cars, as well as in wet clutches and power steering units.