LUBENZ LUBETHERM HEAT TRANSFER OIL ISO 22 are high performance HTOs formulated from highly refined base stocks
that are resistant to thermal cracking and chemical oxidation & are intended for use in closed indirect heating
installations. The flash points of these oils will not decrease significantly in service because of their resistance to thermal
cracking at the operating temperatures for which they are recommended.

Features & Benefits
• Performance and reliability, even in severe applications.
• High resistance to thermal cracking and decomposition
• Excellent thermal properties
• Good thermal and oxidative stability
• Improves operating efficiency of heat transfer system
• Maintains viscosity and film thickness at high temperatures to
help protect equipment
• Freedom from sludge and coke deposits
• Good low temperature fluidity
• Product integrity assurance through independent verification.
LUBENZ LUBETHERM HEAT TRANSFER OIL are recommended for use in open and closed installations where the bulk oil
temperature ranges are as outlined in the table below and where minimum shutdown temperatures are not below -7ᵒC.
•Bulk Oil Temperature Ranges for LUBENZ LUBETHERM HTO 22: Closed Systems (-7ᵒ C to 285ᵒ C), Open Systems (-7ᵒC to
150 ᵒC)
•Bulk Oil Temperature Ranges for LUBENZ LUBETHERM HTO 32: Closed Systems (-7ᵒC to 315 ᵒC), Open Systems (-7ᵒC to
180 ᵒC)
•Closed, cold-oil sealed, indirect heating and cooling systems in all kinds of industrial processes operating at bulk oil
temperatures up to the maximum temperatures quoted in the table above and at atmospheric pressure.
•Open systems provided the bulk temperatures do not exceed the maximum temperatures quoted in the table above.
LUBENZ LUBETHERM HEAT TRANSFER OIL are thermally stable and are capable of an extremely long service life
without deposit formation or viscosity increase. They demonstrate specific heats and thermal conductivities that provide
more rapid heat dissipation. They have good heat transfer efficiency and their viscosities are such that they can be
pumped readily at both start-up and operating temperatures.